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寄生虫检测 Parasites Test
新生儿疾病筛查及遗传代谢病检测系列 Newborn and IMD Screening
唐氏综合征产前检查 Down Syndrome Test
产前检查产前血型血清学检查 Prenatal Serology
地中海贫血检查 Thalassemia Test
优生系列 Eugenic Test
宫颈癌早期筛查 An early Screening for Cervical Cancer
不孕不育检测 Sterility Test
特异性分子缺陷靶点治疗检测系列Specific molecular target therapy defects detection series
遗传病诊断系列Genetic Disease
个体识别系列Individual Identification
HLA基因分型系列HLA Genotyping
贫血及血液形态学检测Anemia and blood morphological detection
临检系列Clinical Hematological Test
血液及血凝系列Hemorheology and Blood Concretion
骨髓相关项目Bone marrow related project
FISH检测FISH detection
分子生物学检测Molecular biological detection
流式细胞术Flow cytometry
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地址:四川省南充市高坪区江东北路229号 电话:0817-3546114